Biden ante el Congreso: “Estados Unidos está en movimiento nuevamente” |
El presidente Biden dijo en su primer discurso ante el Congreso que Estados Unidos que había heredado una nación en crisis, pero en menos de 100 días, su administración ya había comenzado a darle la vuelta |
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El análisis de James Petras en CX36, 26 de abril de 2021...,
James Petras analizó los primeros 100 días de gobierno de Joe Biden con un balance negativo. Dijo que tiene una política muy agresiva con Rusia y China, las relaciones con Irán no marchan bien y tampoco tiene relaciones positivas con América Latina.
https://archive.org/details/2021-04-26-james-petras …Chile represivo: los crímenes de Carabineros contra adolescentes. El caso de Aalondra.
La penumbra de Aalondra: la desconocida historia de la menor que perdió la visión por un lumazo. por Sebastián Palma/The Clinic. De las 173 querellas presentadas por el INDH por casos de víctimas de trauma ocular, 15 corresponden a niñas, niños y adolescentes. De ellas, sólo dos se presentaron como casos de “pérdida de visión irreversible” en uno de sus … Categorías: FF.AA. y Policias, Realidad Política y social Nacional Lea artículo completo
Donald Trump is gone from the White House. But his legacy of cruelty toward immigrants lives on — not just on the U.S.-Mexican border but just across the Hudson River in New Jersey.
In her cover story for our May print edition, Amba Guerguerian does a deep dive into the workings of three Democratic-led New Jersey counties that rake in millions of dollars annually from Immigration and Customs Enforcement while turning a blind eye to the shocking conditions detainees endure. The cover art for this issue is by Marcial Morales, who spent nine months in ICE detention in the Jersey jails.
Yes, I want to support independent journalism like this.
year marks only the fourth time since the early 1940s that the
Manhattan DA's office is up for grabs with no incumbent running. The
race is wide open with three excellent decarceral candidates in a field
of eight. Theodore Hamm breaks it down in his latest for The Indy.
Also, Steven Wishnia shows us how progressives bulldozed Gov. Andrew Cuomo to win the best-in-the-nation marijuana legalization law and Todd Fine asks “Housing for Whom?”
as the battle heats up over whether to build luxury or affordable
housing on the last parcel of undeveloped real estate at the World Trade
Center site in Lower Manhattan.
Additional Coverage
Alice Neel: Painting People Left Out of The Picture by Gerald Meyer
Poor Queer Studies Enters Daily Life by Eleanor Bader
Why Americans Can’t Have Nice Things by Teddy Ostrow
Reverend Billy’s Revelations by Billy Talen
Breaking Up With Fear by Nicholas Powers
A World Apart by Julia Thomas
Rezoning Revamp: Neighborhood Groups Wary of Speaker Johnson’s Top-Down Process by Emlyn Cameron
Support Our Troupes: Workers at Smaller Theaters Win Pay & Labor Equity by Derek Ludovici
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